Desperate To Brush The Lips Of Grey.

11 January 2011

A Giraffe Called Pebbles

I was posed the question today: Why do we love [the opposite sex]?
        My reply: We're designed to be attracted to them. I like to think of it like this: God, when he designs us, puts us all together like a prototype, bit by bit, and he fits us with a mate, who could be anyone, and sends us off to families who will raise us the way he wants it to be. Maybe he lets us chill with him in Heaven for a bit before he sends us off, but thats against my point.

My real issue is when I'm posed the second question: What about gays?  My opinion stands that God doesn't go for gays. The bible has this to say:

         If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. -- Lev.20:13

      Simply stated by this that you will be cursed with death, and your blood will be upon you, or better said, you will die! See, to me, homosexuality isn't cool, but, I mean, if you can live with this verse in your conscience, still be sane, and continue this act, it's your eternity on the line. I can only give you the facts.

     Many people may be offended by this, I honestly don't care, that's what this blog is for, to speak my mind, and this was on it.

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