You see alot of hurt in life, especially in today's age. And I think alot of the problem with that is people don't follow the rules God gave them, which are set out in Collossians chapter 3.
God tells wives to follow their husbands lead, because that's what God wants them to do. He tells husbands to then, in return, love their wives, and not to be mean to them. And to kids, respect your parents, every kid has been told at least once to respect their elders and what not. That is because it pleases the Lord. Back to the dads, don't make your kids mad at you, and especially don't lose hope in them because then they will lose hope in themselves.
Even God saw that there were slaves and He commanded them to obey their masters, not just to please them when they're watching, but to please Him.
He goes on to tell everyone to work hard at everything they do, and do it as if you were doing it for Him, not for your boss, this is especially motivating if you dislike your boss. He says to work because you know that what He wants you to have, is at the end of the road. You are serving God through this work, not other people.
I like this one the best.
Collosians 3:25
Anyone who does wrong will be paid back for what he does. God treats everyone the same.
GOD TREATS EVERYONE THE SAME! Whether it's the bums of San Francisco, or the Queen of freaking England, He treats them the same, because He is just.
Nice Job LEvi!