Desperate To Brush The Lips Of Grey.

29 January 2011

I'm not afraid to make mistakes

There will always be people in your life asking you how you can believe in something, that is said to have happened over 2000 years ago, by “blind faith. Yet, instead, they believe in something that they call fact, which has many holes and things missing, for it to even be complete.
Let us first compare faith and fact. Faith is simply defined as something believed that is based on evidence gathered through experience, while fact is defined as something believed that is based upon scientific data, and that is measurable and reliable.
But, does this mean that since belief in Jesus Christ is based upon faith, you cannot call it absolute truth? Take a minute to think about that, and take into mind that the method of discovering truth doesn’t change truth.

What in your life right now is keeping you from throwing yourself completely at Christ and living every second for him?

Dear Lord,
I ask that you would show me exactly what to say to people when they ask me how I know you’re real, and give me the resources to show them that. I also ask that you give me the heart and mind to be fully devoted to you and live every waking minute for you. I love you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

17 January 2011

You stood there so vacantly, your fingers in your ears

You see alot of hurt in life, especially in today's age. And I think alot of the problem with that is people don't follow the rules God gave them, which are set out in Collossians chapter 3.
     God tells wives to follow their husbands lead, because that's what God wants them to do. He tells husbands to then, in return, love their wives, and not to be mean to them. And to kids, respect your parents, every kid has been told at least once to respect their elders and what not. That is because it pleases the Lord. Back to the dads, don't make your kids mad at you, and especially don't lose hope in them because then they will lose hope in themselves.
     Even God saw that there were slaves and He commanded them to obey their masters, not just to please them when they're watching, but to please Him.
     He goes on to tell everyone to work hard at everything they do, and do it as if you were doing it for Him, not for your boss, this is especially motivating if you dislike your boss. He says to work because you know that what He wants you to have, is at the end of the road. You are serving God through this work, not other people.
     I like this one the best.
Collosians 3:25
Anyone who does wrong will be paid back for what he does. God treats everyone the same.  

GOD TREATS EVERYONE THE SAME! Whether it's the bums of San Francisco, or the Queen of freaking England, He treats them the same, because He is just.

14 January 2011

Love it will not betray you, dismay, or enslave you, it will set you free.

 God. Some people may ask: What is God? You could give them a plethera of answers,
God is Just, God is Beautiful, God is Almighty, God is Everything, and as hurtful as it is some would say God is Non-existant. Though I COMPLETELY disagree with the last response, I've heard it a few times. I then go on to ask them: Do you love you girlfriend/ boyfriend? Most would answer yes, but for the select few that say no, I ask the same about their family, or if they have ever loved. Then the explanantion comes to key. God Is Love!

1John 4:8
  Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.

1John 4:10
What is love? It is not that we loved God. It is that he loved us and sent his Son to give his life to pay for our sins.

13 January 2011

You Haven't Met Me, I Am The Only Son

           It's proving to be slightly difficult to write my own daily devotions, the biggest issue is knowing what to write about. Pray that God will show me what is relevant, just, and clear.

      See, Jesus was a man, He was man, and He was God. That would be hard, harder than writing this daily blog. Being a man is hard, because you know you're not perfect, and you know you're really messing up everyday. My pastor tells me everytime he speaks on the topic, that even he messes up everyday. But being God?! I mean, I know I'm human so it would be crazy to me, to be a pure soul, pure enough to save humanity. Humanity, oh my, what a race. See, it upsets me that people would take for granted what Christ has given us. What he has done for us!

Can I ask you a question, and I'm going to post a poll on my sidebar. If you were given the chance to save humanity, but you had to give your own life, even for the people you don't like, do you think you could still do it?

"Consequently, just as the result of one trespass was condemnation for all men, so also the result of one act of righteousness was justification that brings life for all men. For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous" (Romans 5:18-19).

11 January 2011

John Called Roger

          Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. These are the first men approached by Jesus as He began his teaching. Why them, though? They were just common fishermen, doing an honest days work for little wage, and little honor. Maybe because they were curious, or because they had heard what John the Baptist had said? Maybe a bit of both. This question sticks out to me, and I know for sure that if I were in their position I'm sure I would be timid to drop my net and follow Jesus. I would feel unworthy and sickened by my sins. Next of these men to be disciples were James and John, brothers and sons of Zebedee. The seas must have been teeming with fish, because they, as well, were out fishing when Jesus called to them. They must have known what Andrew and his brother knew, because they left their dad in the boat and followed Jesus, too. I sometimes wish I had the thought pattern of these men, that I could be like they were. I envy that they could be clear minded enough to be followers of Jesus Christ. This I call myself to do, have a mind as the followers of Jesus did, to not wonder if I would feel comfortable being a disciple.

Matthew 4:18-22
18 One day Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee. There he saw two brothers. They were Simon Peter and his brother Andrew. They were throwing a net into the lake. They were fishermen. 19 "Come. Follow me," Jesus said. "I will make you fishers of people." 20 At once they left their nets and followed him. 21 Going on from there, he saw two other brothers. They were James, son of Zebedee, and his brother John. They were in a boat with their father Zebedee. As they were preparing their nets, Jesus called out to them. 22 Right away they left the boat and their father and followed Jesus.

A Giraffe Called Pebbles

I was posed the question today: Why do we love [the opposite sex]?
        My reply: We're designed to be attracted to them. I like to think of it like this: God, when he designs us, puts us all together like a prototype, bit by bit, and he fits us with a mate, who could be anyone, and sends us off to families who will raise us the way he wants it to be. Maybe he lets us chill with him in Heaven for a bit before he sends us off, but thats against my point.

My real issue is when I'm posed the second question: What about gays?  My opinion stands that God doesn't go for gays. The bible has this to say:

         If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. -- Lev.20:13

      Simply stated by this that you will be cursed with death, and your blood will be upon you, or better said, you will die! See, to me, homosexuality isn't cool, but, I mean, if you can live with this verse in your conscience, still be sane, and continue this act, it's your eternity on the line. I can only give you the facts.

     Many people may be offended by this, I honestly don't care, that's what this blog is for, to speak my mind, and this was on it.